Davala, S., Jhabvala, R., Mehta, SK., Standing, G., Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India, London, Bloomsbury, 2015
Would it be possible to provide people with a basic income as a right? The idea has a long history. This book draws on two pilot schemes conducted in the Indian State of Madhya Pradesh, in which thousands of men, women and children were provided with an unconditional monthly cash payment. In a context in which the Indian government at national and state levels spends a vast amount on subsidies and selective schemes that are chronically expensive, inefficient, inequitable and subject to extensive corruption, there is scope for switching at least some of the spending to a modest basic income. This book explores what would be likely to happen if this were done. The book draws on a series of evaluation surveys conducted over the course of the eighteen months in which the main pilot was in operation, supplemented with detailed case studies of individuals and families. It looks at the impact on health and nutrition, on schooling, on economic activity, women's agency and the welfare of those with disabilities. Above all, the book considers whether or not a basic income could be transformative, in not only improving individual and family welfare but in promoting economic growth and development, as well as having an emancipatory effect for people long mired in conditions of poverty and economic insecurity. |
Book Reviews
“If you want to help the poor along all dimensions - education, health, financial inclusion, basic amenities and even asset creation - put additional money in their hands with no conditions attached. This is the simple but powerful message of this pioneering study. Vulnerable groups including women, Scheduled Castes and Tribes and the disabled gain more from the cash transfers than the general population. And - surprise, surprise - the cash has no effect on the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.” – Arvind Panagariya, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, USA. Currently Vice-Chair NITI Ayog, Government of India.
“This important book contributes to the debate on basic income in India by analysing data and detailed case studies. Many countries have adopted cash transfers as a way of improving human development and building resilience. This book shows that the time has come to do the same in India.” – Lise Grande, UN Resident Representative, India
Authors at the book launch on 3rd December 2014 in New Delhi
Four authors at the book launch in Delhi, December 2014.
From Left to Right: Soumya, Guy, Sarath and Renana.
From Left to Right: Soumya, Guy, Sarath and Renana.